Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An ode to Minnetonkas

If you're familiar with the Minnesota based company then you already know what makes these moccasins so very special. Thanks to my mom, I've been rocking these beaded beauties since childhood. They are the epitome of American style. Minnetonkas' aesthetic evokes the same feeling you get when reading a passage from Thoreau's Walden and has the nostalgic quality of an old western movie. If you don't already have a pair, I highly recommend making the investment. In addition to the three sets of moccasins I own, I just got my first pair of fringed boots that come with these clever interchangeable accessories (see below) Whenever I've worn them out, I've had a fellow fashionista ask me where she can get her own. Not only are these things ridiculously comfortable (think Uggs meet Toms) the craftsmanship that goes into each pair makes them nearly indestructible. They definitely capture the free-spirited essence of the West Coast making them a perfect staple piece in every California girl's closet. Check out the website and their blog! 

I wore the classic thunderbirds all over S. Africa this past feet were grateful. 

The iconic Kate Moss shares my affinity for these amazing boots. 
I love them in this darker color too

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