Thursday, March 8, 2012

High fashion with a low budget: Marni for H&M

H&M has done it again! If you're anything like me, the prospect of being able to afford designer clothing without having to seriously dip into your savings account is like a dream come true. You'll recall that the Versace for H&M line was so popular it crashed the retailer's web page. Not to mention, when Donatella decided to follow up with her cruise collection, the US was excluded from the launch for fear of a second round of mass hysteria. Well today H&M has launched its Marni line and while it's been getting a fair amount of media coverage, it hasn't generated nearly as much lunacy from label hungry shoppers. The lack of obscenely long lines wrapping around storefronts nationwide is probably because fewer people are familiar with Creative Director, Consuelo Castiglioni. This exotically inspired designer has an acute eye for tribal prints, bold color combos, and unique accessories. Combining her various statement pieces makes for a quirky yet elegant look. If you haven't already, check out the collection at H&M...that is if there's anything left. Also, you have to watch the Marni video on YouTube produced by none other than Sofia Coppola.  
This dress is my favorite piece in the collection.
Castiglioni at work.
I'm a big fan of the layering effect.

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